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Customize your business like A, B, C

Don't know where to start?
by using simple manual books «Pixels»

Pixel - is a low-content informative and very simple manual book-instruction on a special step by step technique that you get with a specific result in your hands, as well as new skills


Valuable result that you will leave with


A convenient format
for studying Pixels


Valuable new skill for your life


Simple instructions that always help you

Pixel #1
Find your business / analyze your current business

Uncover the meanings of your business to get them to the target audience as accurately as possible

117 questions about your business

Search for competitive advantages

26 questions to determine your target audience

Pixel #2
Prototype of a Landing Page

Learn how to create selling landing page websites by yourself

Template for creating a landing page website

Selection of 10 website builders

Selection of 26 examples of effective single-page sites

Pixel #3
"Selling" Headlines

Learn how to write "selling" headlines without copywriters

Template with formulas for creating "selling" headlines

Selection of 100 effective "selling" headlines

Selection of 65 CTA lead magnets buttons


Google Ads: Advertising on the display network

Set up ads to potential customers in the Google system and on Google partner sites

Coming soon ...


Google Ads: Advertising on the display network

Generate a flow of targeted leads within your desired budget by setting up a Google Ads campaign

Coming soon ...

2023 Pixels A platform for the rapid development of skills. The use of Pixels materials is permitted only with the prior consent of the copyright holders. The rights to images, videos and texts belong to the authors.

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